What makes Zoom teeth whitening different?

Zoom teeth whitening gives you whiter teeth in just one hour. Unlike other treatments that require multiple visits to the dentist, you can obtain whiter teeth with just one treatment.
What makes Zoom whitening work so fast?
Also called Philips Zoom WhiteSpeed, Zoom teeth whitening uses a 25 percent hydrogen peroxide solution combined with a blue light to lighten tooth color up to eight shades. It removes discoloring and stains. The blue light activates the hydrogen peroxide, which helps to accelerate the whitening process.
The procedure offers three intensity choices so the dentist can provide each client with a comfortable treatment. The intensity selections offer an opportunity for those with sensitive teeth.
Feedback from Zoom Clients
According to RealSelf magazine, out of 466 reviews by individuals who had the procedure, 77 percent rated it worth it to undergo instead of alternate methods. The process requires no downtime or anesthesia. Since it only requires one visit, the cost of whitening with Zoom is more affordable than methods that require multiple visits.
Who Can Benefit from Zoom Whitening?
If you have not yet had restorative dental work, you can easily have Zoom whitening done. If you plan to have dental bonding, you should have the Zoom done first to improve the overall outcome. You will need to wait three weeks between the two dental treatments.
Individuals who do have dental fillings or crowns won’t have the same results. The gel may whiten them spottily. Like many health and wellness procedures, you should not undergo Zoom teeth whitening while you’re pregnant or nursing. Dental patients younger than 16 cannot receive the treatment. Those with the following diseases or diagnoses should not have this type of whitening treatment:
- cavities,
- gum disease,
- skin cancer,
- melanoma.
Request an Appointment
If you have sensitive teeth, you should talk to Dr. Ruhi or Drs. Praj before undergoing the whitening procedure. It can increase tooth sensitivity, so they need to know in advance to choose the appropriate intensity.
Teeth Whitening Near Me in Berkeley, California
Call (510) 800-7660 to book an appointment with Dr. Ruhi or Dr. Praj. The Transcendentist of Berkeley, California, has various options available for residents of Berkeley regarding Zoom teeth whitening. Call the Transcendentist team today to schedule an appointment.
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